by Susan Lobb Porter | Art, Daily Painting, Work in Progress |
Thirty Twenty-eight paintings. Thirty days.
California Impressions # 28-30.
Hey, considering the size of this puppy–3 by 4 feet–I figure taking two days is okay. Four, actually, ’cause it’s not finished.
It would’ve been finished if I’d been happy just making a larger version of this. But I paint like I cook, which is NEVER the same way twice. I was this close (pinch thumb and index finger 1/8 inch apart) this close when I decided it was time to throw some paint on and see how far I could push it.
I’m still ‘sperimentin’ but here’s where it’s at as of this evening.

work in progress
I’ll post a photo of it when it’s finished, should be in the next day or two.
And then I really have to clean things up for Open Studios. It’s coming up this weekend and next.
OMG–clap hands over ears and run in circles shouting, “Holy crap–gots me LOTS to do!!!”
Back in a couple of days. Until then–

by Susan Lobb Porter | Uncategorized |
Thirty paintings. Thirty days.
California Impressions # 27
With less than a week until Open Studios, I decided I better switch back to acrylics. Be nice if they were dry for the show, although I have to admit I’ve hung my share of wet paintings. Just so uncool when people lean against them, y’know…
Shhhh…don’t tell that lady she’s got a nice patch of yellow on the back of her coat, okay?

California Impressions # 27
Acrylic on Canvas 6×8 inches
2014 Susan Lobb Porter
Until tomorrow–

by Susan Lobb Porter | Art, Daily Painting |
Thirty paintings. Thirty days.
California Impressions # 26.

California Impressions # 26
Oil and cold wax on canvas 10×10 inches
2014 Susan Lobb Porter
This is such a screamin’ California scene. Scattered clusters of wide spreading oaks are a common sight in the lower foothills or the valley floor.
So different from the dense forest where I live. More fun to paint, too!
Until tomorrow–

by Susan Lobb Porter | Art, Daily Painting |
Thirty paintings. Thirty days.
California Impressions # 25: River Rocks.
It rained last night, WOOT! Got water on my mind.

California Impressions # 25: River Rocks
Oil and charcoal on canvas 8×10 inches
2014 Susan Lobb Porter
Until tomorrow–

by Susan Lobb Porter | Art, Daily Painting |
Thirty paintings. Thirty days.
California Impressions # 24
The Delta. Rivers and marshlands between Sacramento and San Francisco. The train between the cities travels through these wetlands. Feels like the middle of nowhere. A beautiful nowhere.

California Impressions # 24
Oil and cold wax on canvas 10×10 inches
2014 Susan Lobb Porter
Until tomorrow–