by Susan Lobb Porter | Art, Digital Art |
30 Paintings 30 Days, day 26.
Oh my sweetums, it’s been twenty-six days. Painting a Woman in Red for every one of ’em. On my iPad, no less. Something I’d never done before. I started out with good intentions for this one. Figured her for a perky jaunt downhill, a gnarly old oak in the distance.
Somehow she morphed into this:

Women in Red # 26 © 2014 Susan Lobb Porter
Da Muse wanted to get off her feet I guess. Sit a spell. Can guarantee she’s not wearing shoes. Not gonna speculate about the undies. Really, TMI, don’t you think?
Technical details: Created on an ipad 2 using procreate.
by Susan Lobb Porter | Art, Digital Art |
30 Paintings 30 Days, day 25
Once upon a time, like three days ago, I did a really sucky painting. Today I decided to do it again, sans the sucky part.

Women in Red # 25 2014 Susan Lobb Porter
She’s much better now. Nothing is the same here. Different digital brushes, different composition. The only similarities are the red dress and the beach.
But it’s STILL a do over in my head. Don’t you think?
This image, as well as others from the Women in Red series, is available as a gallery quality giclee print. Click the link on the sidebar for details.
Technical info: Created entirely on an iPad 2 using procreate.
by Susan Lobb Porter | Art, Digital Art |
30 Paintings 30 Days, day # 24.

Women in Red # 24 © 2014 Susan Lobb Porter
Women in Red # 24.
She sits in front of the window, soaking up the afternoon sun like a cat. But in the beginning it was just the woman (made somewhat in my image) and the room. And the room was dark until I said, “This is not what I want, let there be light.”
And lo, with another layer light was created to shine upon her. And though it is a digital world, it is good. And I am pleased.
In lieu of the collection plate I will gladly take comments.
Amen and XOXO
Technical info: This image was created entirely on an ipad 2 using procreate. Gallery quality giclee prints are available of this image and the other Women in Red through the link on the sidebar.
by Susan Lobb Porter | Art, Digital Art |
30 Paintings 30 Days, day 23
What a difference a day makes. Yesterday I struggled, positively struggled to create ANYTHING remotely interesting on the ipad. Actually, I take that back. I made an awesome background, lots of wonderful scribbles and texture.
But you’d never know that because I covered it all up with, lets be honest here, a sucky painting.
I was out of my comfort zone, using digital brushes I hadn’t used before. It was an intentional discomfort, taken on because, well…why not learn something new?
Let’s face it, this whole 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge is an intentional discomfort, one I’m uber glad I took on.
But still, making a sucky painting sucks.
That’s why I’m doing handsprings and black flips over what I made today.

Women in Red # 23, 2014 Susan Lobb Porter
This lovie flowed, simply flowed from my fingertips. Was I inspired? Yes. But mostly I was informed. I finally got around to downloading the Procreate Artist’s Handbook. Imagine that, an app that comes with directions!
Not only directions but a community of users that ROCK. Man, these guys share what they know on the forum. They also share custom digital brushes that they’ve made. Because you can make your own brushes in Procreate. Is that cool or what???
So after soaking up as much as I could in one sitting, I downloaded some brushes and began playing. I hadn’t planned on another nameless portrait but when da muse speaks. I listen. It’s either that or get whacked upside the head by the voice inside the head.
I’ll be back tomorrow with more Women in Red. As always, I’d love to hear what you have to say in the comments below.
Technical Info: Created on an iPad 2 using procreate and Nikko’s brushes (Rull). Thanks Nikko!
by Susan Lobb Porter | Art, Digital Art |
30 Paintings 30 Days, day 22
Technical info: Created on an iPad 2 using Procreate.
So far in this series of digital exploration, I’ve found myself most comfortable with using the pastel and charcoal tools. Tonight I decided to switch it up and try the paint tools.

Women in Red # 22 2014 Susan Lobb Porter
Another learning curve…sigh… I can see the potential here, see glimmers of what I can do. But I’ve been playing around with this all night and this is as far as I’m taking this one for now.
I’ll be back tomorrow with another Women in Red. I’ll be using these ‘brushes’ again because I fully intend to figure them out.
Till then–