by Susan Lobb Porter | Art |
Oh my Sweetums, I have just made the MOST FASCINATING discovery in the history of mankind my life this week. And I must share it with you. Simply must.
But you have to wait because first I’ve got a story to tell you.
From time to time, like today for instance, I’ll walk into the studio and get whacked upside the head by a jolt of creativity that fries my common sense. ZAP! Just. Like That. And the next thing I know I’ll be painting. Which normally is a good thing, being that I’m an artist. But I don’t always walk into the studio with the intention of making art. Sometimes I’m just there to gaze.
I’m good at gazing.
On gazing days I don’t come dressed appropriately. I may even be wearing real clothes, garments that have yet to be destroyed by paint. ‘Have yet’ because eventually all my clothes end up sacrificed to da muse.
Today was a gaze day. Had other things to do but couldn’t stay away. And while I was in there some works in progress, juicy wet oils, called to me. I loved on them just a little bit, I swear it only involved a few charcoal lines, but the next thing I know I was wearing bright orange paint. Which sucked because I really like this shirt.

Now, normally I use cooking oil to clean up oil paint, especially on my skin. But this was a shirt and I couldn’t imagine rubbing more oil onto it and then trying to wash it. No way. I went into the kitchen and that’s when I had the all time best ev-ah AHA moment, at least of the day. Because right there on the kitchen sink was a bottle of Dawn. Dawn, you know, the stuff they use to wash the oil off seabirds when there’s a spill.
Lightbulb time, right there in the center of my brain. I whipped off the shirt, poured some Dawn right on the paint and washed it in the kitchen sink. And the paint came out.
All of it.
Then I threw the shirt in the washing machine with some other laundry. It came out as good as new. Like it never happened.

See? It really is but the lighting is different with both photos. Trust me on this.
And that’s the Arty Life Tip o’ the Day. And if you know anyone who paints with oils be a friend and share this info with them. Who knows how much laundry you’ll save.
by Susan Lobb Porter | Fitness, Life, Photography |
This is me.
This is me doing yoga after years of not doing yoga. And no, my feet are NOT dirty, that’s digital manipulation to disguise the fact that they’re just plain not pretty. And okay, maybe they’re just a little bit dusty from wearing flip flops to the barn but the sepia tint was supposed to take care of that.

But back to yoga. All I can say is Holy crap! Was I ever STIFF. Felt like Barbi, she of unbendable knees. And arms. And general plastic parts. Felt like every year of my age which is none of your business by the way, even tho you are my best best BEST beloved readers 4 EV-AH. So no, I will NOT tell you. Although I will admit to being 31, once. Trust me when I say I was uber hot back then. Spontaneous combustion hot.
It’s been one week since I began contorting myself in unnatural positions. Unnatural positions that were once second nature to me. At first my body laughed, laughed, which happened just before the wailing.
But the second day wasn’t nearly as bad.
And the third day was better still. Noticeably so. I was no longer counting the seconds or watching the clock. I was flowing with my breath. Flowing merrily along as I went just a bit farther. And deeper. Sure, my hamstrings twanged like an out of tune guitar. But not that out of tune.
It’s been a week now. Five days (two off for rest) of serious Hatha yoga practice. A good hour each time.
The result? My shoulders are no longer up around my ears. My butt feels tight, my joints feel loose and I’m walking free and easy with a sassy swing to my hips. I’d say that’s reason enough to continue but at this point I don’t need a reason.
Because it feels so darn good!
by Susan Lobb Porter | Art |
Oh, my dear most best best BEST beloveds…I had some studio time this week. YAY!!! Handsprings! Backflips! All manner of celebratory jumping up and down. YAY!!! Again. Because a little bit o’paint (oils, in this case), some funky old canvases that needed recycling and a lot o’loud rockin’ out music took me from stressed out to blissed out in a matter of hours.
Best. Medicine. EV-AH!!!
And here they be, just for you. Works-in-progress every one of ’em but far enough along to show. They’re all little guys, 6×6, 8×8. The last one is the biggest at 12×12.

Crooked House with Red Roof
work in progress
Susan Lobb Porter

Dog, Rabbit, Horse
Work in Progress
Susan Lobb Porter

Bunny in a Boat at Sunset
work in progress
Susan Lobb Porter

Love You THIS Much
work in progress
Susan Lobb Porter
Definitely did not have my SERIOUS ARTIST PANTS on for this batch. No indeed. And I’m glad I didn’t. A girl needs some fun in her life, don’t cha know.
As always, I’d love to hear what you think in the comments below. And if you like what you see, go ahead and share with your friends. As much as I love you, I’d love you even MORE if you do. Heart emoticons here, a whole row of ’em.
Oh, and I’m taking part in an August blog challenge…which means I’ll be posting more frequently. Lots more. So be sure to stop back tomorrow and see what’s new here.