Quick Dry

Thirty paintings. Thirty days.

California Impressions # 27

With less than a week until Open Studios, I decided I better switch back to acrylics. Be nice if they were dry for the show, although I have to admit I’ve hung my share of wet paintings. Just so uncool when people lean against them, y’know…

Shhhh…don’t tell that lady she’s got a nice patch of yellow on the back of her coat, okay?


California Impressions # 27
Acrylic on Canvas 6×8 inches
2014 Susan Lobb Porter

Until tomorrow–


Stayin’ Alive

Thirty Paintings. Thirty Days.

California Impressions # 10

WOOT! Getting this one in under the wire today. I don’t know where you live but in California it’s still day # 10.

And I’m still in the game.

This puppy’s a bit smaller than the last few. Doin’ a 40 x 40 inch canvas after a full day of teaching ain’t gonna happen. And I wanted to do a rowboat….


California Impressions # 10
Acrylic on canvas 8×8 inches
2014 Susan Lobb Porter

Oh well, at least I got the pond.

Until tomorrow–


Thirty and Thirty, Day 3

Thirty paintings, thirty days. California Impressions # 3


California Impressions # 3
Acrylic on canvas 10×10″
2014 Susan Lobb Porter

Just for fun (and to see the evolution of this image) here are the first two versions.


30/30 California Impressions # 1
Acrylic on Canvas 8×8 inches
2014 Susan Lobb Porter

acrylic painting

California Impressions # 2
Acrylic on Canvas 8×8″
2014 Susan Lobb Porter














Whoa--what a difference a day (or two) makes, eh? 



Leland and I work together.

Leland right

If you call this work.

Leland left

Or this.

You first met Leland in Chocolate Chip Awesomeness. He was the one who promised to wear a pink dress if I brought more cookies.

I might just do that. 

Leland has graciously agreed to appear on Arty Life from time to time. Lend a little color to an already colorful blog. If he behaves himself I might let him say something.


Then again I may not.

And Awaaaay She Goes

Arty Life is getting a NEW ‘DOO.

And it’s about time. Really, what’s not to luvvvvvvv about a makeover?

I will give you a hint what to expect…. Stuff! More Stuff!!! And even MORE STUFF!!! I will be blogging with my big girl panties on.

Imagine that!


Aww geeze, all that enthusiasm has left me worn out. I can hardly keep my eyes open after hours and hours and HOURS hunkering over Photoshop and tinkering around the back end of WordPress–which sounds A: dirty B: fun. But in reality, the answer is C: exhausting. All I want to do right now is go to bed. Climb between those flannel sheets and dream about chocolate chip cookies. Homemade.

And that’s just what I’m gonna do.

So come back next week and see what all this fuss was about. Until then my best beloveds XOXOXO