Sweet Dreams

I’m in bed. Almost asleep. My body is exhausted. My brain fried. Been a long day and I’m TIRED. But I’m letting it all go. Breathing slow and deep. Melting into the mattress, sinking into the pillow. Slipping into the sweet surrender of total relaxation

And it feels soooo good.

I’m so close to almost asleep I might even be asleep.

And then…The. Stories. Come…. Ideas. Sheer brilliance, BRILLIANCE I tell you, as sentences write themselves. Twenty-four caret gold sentences dripping with gemstones of pure genius. And I think hot damn, I AM a writer. And I’m such a GREAT writer, I will remember this in the morning. Word for word.

Yes, I will…

Umm…you see where this is going, don’t you?

Uh-huh…a post so glorious, so stupendous, you would’ve dropped to your knees in awe. You would’ve (rightfully) annointed me the Queen O’ Blogland. You would’ve heaped upon me cyber praise which I would’ve graciously accepted.

Because it was that good. You’ll have to trust me.

And next time I’ll write it down.

Black Eyed Susan

This is Jen. She’s going to show you how to use purple eye shadow so you can look like JUST. LIKE. ME. Except I have green eyes. Sometimes they’re blue. But this week one of them was black. Which means it was purple, just like Jen’s.

You don’t have to play it. Unless you want to lear how to look like Jen. And me. Just look at the picture. Yep, Umm-hmm…I’ve been walking around with one of those this past week.

You want to know how I got it? C’mon, of course you do. Say it. Just say it say it say it. Holy crap, Susan! How DID you get that black eye???

Heh…heh…well, I’m not gonna tell you. Not straight out anyway. I’m gonna make you guess. You’ll appreciate the answer much better if you have to work for it, trust me. And you’ll find it in one of the questions down below.

Was it a bar fight with a biker chick?


A few too many green beers on St. Patty’s and you don’t remember? Honestly don’t remember? You’re not being coy or anything?

Umm…quite possibly….

Close quarters in the Tae Bo class?

Could be….

Knocked heads with one of the ponies?


Umm…you and Mr. Spouse…?

Don’t. Even. Go. There. No no nada nyet!

DaughterDear did the dishes UNASKED (Gasp!!!) and you were so taken aback you moved quickly, slipped on the wet floor (because Daughter Dear is an enthusiastic rinser) and FELL FACE FIRST into an elbow. Hers?


There was only ONE Monkees CD left at KMart and things got, umm…a little out of hand? And it was in the Policer Blotter on Tuesday? Go ahead, look it up. I’ll wait.


Harriet didn’t believe you got 66 points for PHIZ without cheating in Scrabble?

66 Points? Even I wouldn’t believe that…

They’re REALLY starting to enforce that 10 items or less rule in the express line?

It’s about time….

Took ‘Head to Knee’ pose in yoga a bit too literally?

Could be….

So tell me which one you think it is in the comments below. Better yet, come up with more to add to the list. Because as the theoretical physicists would say, they ALL happened. IN A PARALLEL UNIVERSE. So really, there can be no. wrong. answer.









In da Groove

Helloooooooo, my sweetums! Been a long time. Took the weekend off from posting. Oh man, what a vacation that was. Channeled my creativity into painting. Yes indeed. Got some ART to show you.

But first…the weather report.

Remember all that rain I bitched about rejoiced over last week? Sumthin’ like 12 inches by the Friday evening news. That’s a whole lot ‘o wet. Indeed.

But Saturday we woke up to SUN! Blue skies. Big yellow orb. Heaven. Pure heaven. For a couple of hours.

Steam trees

Walked outside and it was like an enchanted forest around here. All that water going back up to the sky.

SUnday snow

But it came down again. Only colder. Next morning we woke up to a different kind of enchantment. The kind that makes the dogs crazy happy.

But that’s enough about weather. Happens one way or another, every day. So let’s move on to ART!  YAY!!! Let’s hear it for studio time. YAY!

Sunday WIP

I can’t hear you. Let’s do it again. LOUDER!


Much better. Okay, so here are some works-in-progress. All acrylics. 12×24, (2) 24×24, 40×40. The closest one to being finished is the one with the woman.

In Her Dreams

'In Her Dreams' by Susan Lobb Porter. Acrylic on canvas, 24x24

Pretty close to being done. Might be, in fact. But until it walks out the door to a new home I always reserve the right to make changes. Just because I can.

Oh, how I enjoyed being in the studio. Enjoyed being productive. Did some thinking while I was painting and realized I need to do more of that. But since there’s only so many hours in the day something’s got to give. So I decided to cut back on the blog schedule. Instead of posting EVERY DAY (Is that nuts or what???) I’m cutting back to three days a week. At least for the time being. To make things easy to remember, I’m thinking Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

So I’ll see you Wednesday. Remember, that’s Random Acts of Art day. If you’ve got a link to share, there’ll be a link up on my blog. You can also send your photos to me and I’ll post them here. If you’re sending photos, be sure I get them by Tuesday afternoon, Pacific time (California). Can’t wait to see what you have to share!

Until then, my sweetums…xo



Holy kamoly! Water water EVERYWHERE!!! Just pouring outta the sky like, umm…RAIN. All. Week. Long. The meadow is now a lake, the culvert a raging, bank-breeching creek.

Mr. Spouse is putting the studio project on hold while he builds the ark.

Yoo-hoo…goddess of precipitation. This one’s for you, hon…ever hear of moderation?

Lights are flickering. I think I’ll cut this short before I get cut short. Going to take the weekend off while I’m at it. But I’ll be back Monday.

And if I’m not, it means the connection floated away. Or we’re without power.

Now in case you’re in drought mode, here’s something to remind you what it’s like….

Blissful Reflections

I’m sitting here listening to the weather. Not the weather report, the weather. The real deal. The sound of rain blowing through the pines. Beating against the widows. Spilling over the gutter onto the patio.

The sounds of winter when it’s not quite cold enough to snow. The sound that will keep the pastures alive this summer. That will help the trees retain some moisture during fire season.

I’ve been listening to for days. It’s the most beautiful music, especially coming so late in the driest of dry winters.

That, my friends, is the number one thing I give thanks for this week.

Although the roof over my head and the fire in the wood stove are a close second. Creature comforts are a good thing.

Speaking about creatures and their comforts, it a wet world outside these days. There’s standing water everywhere. Puddles and mud. Puddles and mud. The ponies are hanging out in what I call the barn but it’s really a three sided shed that keeps them high and dry and out of the wind. They can go in and out as they please.  When the weather is…weather, I make sure they have a nice fluffy bed of shavings to keep them warm.

And no one appreciates that more than my boy, Saki, AKA Pony-My-Heart. The sight of Mom lugging a bag of shavings through the mud gets him all aquiver. He’s all over me as I slice open the plastic. Nuzzles the bag. Pawing impatiently. Making excited little noises deep in his throat. Can barely contain himself as I dump the shavings onto the mat. And then he’s down on his knees, over on his back. Grunting and groaning and rolling like he’s the happiest boy on the planet. And for a couple of minutes I think he is.

The wind is picking up right now, driving the rain against the roof. It’s a comforting sound. In a few minutes I’ll climb into bed. We always sleep with a bedroom window open, no matter what the weather. I’ll snuggle under the covers. The rain and wind will sound like I’m right there. Outside, in the thick of it. Like a lullabye it will lull me to sleep.

But first…a little BEATLES!




Construction Interruptus

Rain. OMG, winter has FINALLY ARRIVED.

And Studio Grande-in-progress has HALF a roof. Just half. The other side being nekked plywood. The skylights are in, all four of them. But  Mr. Spouse wasn’t sure of the flashing, the stuff that makes them water-tight. With the storm door now open and rain/snow predicted all this week and beyond, he tarpped ’em, Danno. Just to be safe.

studio in progress

The side that has the roof, you know, shingles and stuff, did not leak at all in last night’s rain. That side has been the major leaker in the past so we are very pleased.

studio in progress 2

But the nekked side has two tarps. Because it leaks. This is the view from the back door of our house.

hobbit door

And this is the hobbit door. It will be painted red. And the bungee cord will be replaced with a real door knob.

There are other things to be done inside, less dramatic as far as photos go but enough to keep us busy since all outside work is on hold until the weather clears. Which could be weeks.

I say us but I really mean Mr. Spouse. It’s my studio but his project.

And I’m not complaining at all.