Woot! Had some quality PLAY time in the studio today. A landscape was calling my name.
Or maybe it was calling me names, I dunno. I had my R&B list playing and this is what happened.
Not a bad painting I guess. But not terribly exciting either. Ho-hum. Yawn. BTW, I think the photo is a bit heavy with the yellow. Can’t say for sure because once I got this far I decided the R&B was too…safe for the mood I was in. Which was (drum roll) a badass paintin’ mood.
AKA, a GREAT mood. Seriously, there is NOTHING better that a badass painting mood. Nothing. And if you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time (and I sincerely hope you have) you’ll know that a great painting mood (GPM) calls for high octane rock. Da Boss. Loud.
And adventure. All GPMs call for risk taking. So while Da Boss was blasting working class angst and the speakers were positively vibrating with passion, I took the tube of white and squeezed it directly in the middle of the sky. And then I took my hands, one of which is pictured above, and smooshed that paint all over with my fingers.
Note to self: Next time wear gloves. Or barrier cream.
There was No. Going. Back. And I didn’t want to, I was having waaaaaay too much fun.
This is where it stands now. It’s a completely different painting, one that I personally find to be more interesting. Is it done? Maybe. Everything in the studio is fair game. Nothing is ever considered done–or safe–until it belongs to someone else. So there’s a chance you’ll see this one again…with more improvements.
So what do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.
And meanwhile, remember this:
As always–
I love that feeling of attack, suspense and relief when going at a painting that could have been finished. You just know it’s not right and you head in. Of course I like both of them – but love that bit of red/orange and the feeling of a lake – tranquil and intriguing.
Judy Shreve recently posted..Finished!
YES! You nailed that feeling, Judy. It’s painting boldly, not listening to fear screeching stoooooop! Going for it and coming out ok on the other side. Or more than ok.
Taking photos of the process helps put everything into perspective. You can look back at them later and say hmmm…maybe I should’ve stopped there. But you’ll never know how far you can go by painting safe.
Susan, I love this painting and the changes you made to it! There is a vastness, a never ending feeling to the sky and I love the colors, well done!
Thanks, Nancy, that’s what I was hoping to capture.
Now why would you ever want to wear gloves….just look at the beauty you created there! I like the painting on canvas too! “Rock-in it out” lovin that!
Debbie Goode recently posted..Paying it Forward–The Artistic Way….
How to accessorize…pick an outfit, paint with the appropriate colors
Wow! Love, love this. They are two very different paintings indeed. Mom always talks about her willingness to ditch the original if it’s not speaking to her. So great to see you do it here.
As for your hands – well they are a piece of work unto themselves. Calls to mind the time I washed over 70 Chinese antique blue and white wedding jars with bleach and no gloves. What was I thinking? Can still remember the way my hands felt afterwards … oh and how they smelled too …
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted..Why I Couldn’t Compromise On These Two
Hey Kelly, your mother and I are on the same page when it comes to this. I always tell my students that nothing they do is precious and playing safe will never let you know how far you can take a painting. Yeah, sometimes you go too far but that’s how you learn. Better risk that than stopping too soon and being boring.
When it comes down to it, it’s only paint. We’re fortunate now to be in the digital age and be able to document the steps so we can go back and compare. It’s all a learning experience. Even when it comes to bleaching your hands….
Susan, your fun is contagious. I can’t wait to get in my own studio and let go…
I’ll be cheering you on when you do, Naomi!
Oh there’s nothing more beautiful than a hand covered in paint! Love your “re-Bossed” painting, and I love the attitude that says it’s all far game for play and exploration.
It’s ALL fair game, Deborah. I’m in the studio today painting over another old canvas. So rewarding to see the new image evolve.
I love your badass painting moods! I love your bold moves with paint! I love, also, hearing what you’re listening to in your studio. I usually listen to audio books when I paint — the funnier, the better. As long as I have a story to feed my hungry mind, the rest of me can let go and play.
Can you recommend a good brand of glove to wear while painting? I need to find some that feel natural to wear and come in small sizes for my super-teensy hands. Thank you!
Harmony Harrison recently posted..My Acrylic Angst: Getting Sick from Acrylic Paints (with a pit stop for cat pee along the way)
I listen to all sorts of stuff while painting, Harmony but I do especially love Da Boss when a certain mood is upon me. I also listen to inspirational stuff like Abraham Hicks, marketing things and I love love love Artists Helping Artists on blogtalk radio.
Sorry I have no glove recommendations. All I know is I buy ‘em by the box at the drug or grocery store, latex and powder free. Nothing special.