30 Paintings 30 Days, Day 6

She’s not like the others.  Where my previous Women in Red are bold, this one is a whisper. She was created on Procreate, like the others, but in a format that I didn’t realize at the time only allows for two layers. And so she’s stuck here.

Women in Red # 6, ©2014 Susan Lobb Porter

Women in Red # 6, ©2014 Susan Lobb Porter

I rather like her, absolutely love the line quality and the smudges even though some people (talkin’ to you, Dear Daughter) say she looks like she was on the losing end of a bar fight.

She’s different than the others because I created her a few days before the challenge, when I was getting my digital toes wet, so to speak.

This is all a learning curve. I think today I’ll spend some quality time on app forums and see what I can learn. Because everything I’ve done so far has been by the seat of my pants and I’m sure I’m missing a lot of what can be done.

As always, sweetums, I’d love to hear what you think in the comments below.
