She’s a newly turned 4 year old. The Energizer Bunny in a princess dress.


There are no off buttons. None. Nada.

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I’ve been visiting for her birthday, cementing my place in her consciousness by being the one who wears princess dresses. Just. Like. Her.

I’ve done my best to keep up. 

bouncy house

We’ve jumped in the Bouncy House.


Played games.


Hidden from the world in the castle -that-is-a-tent.

And then, because it’s something grandmas do, I passed along my wisdom and taught her how to take photos with my iphone. Which she did. Often.


So she could take pictures of me.

I’ll be getting on a plane soon and going back home. Home to a husband, a couple of dogs, the horses and the cat. Going home to my job. To my studio. To-do lists. Marketing plans. To my life a couple thousand miles away from hers.

I’m going to miss her, oh how I’ll miss her. But I’ll be back. Got some more dancin’ to do.