Today I’m joining with thousands of other bloggers throughout the world to talk about girls.
Why girls?
Tick tock. Tick tock.
Because by the time a girl in a developing country is twelve–twelve–she’s considered a woman. Marriage is on the horizon, if she hasn’t been married off already.
And why should we care if some kid in a far off poverty stricken country marries some man two, three or four times her age–why should we care…I mean, aside from basic human decency, WHY SHOULD WE CARE?
Because take that girl and multiply her by the six hundred million other girls in the developing world and look at the pattern. Poverty. Famine. Disease. Infant mortality. Human trafficking. Political instability that affects us all.
But, give a girl an education…
Look what happens when you empower a girl with education. When you give her the tools to better her life, you give her the tools to better the lives of her family. Which impacts her village.
Multiply by six hundred million and you’ve impacted the world.
So what can we do? “We” as in YOU. And ME. Really, what can we do?
Quite a lot. Multiply the ‘you’ and ‘me’ by telling your friends, your coworkers, your church. Spread the word in the schools–get the kids involved. If you’re a blogger write a post. If you like to entertain, throw a party and start the conversation. Retweet this post. Like it on FaceBook.
But this isn’t just about words. It’s about action. I just did my part to keep a little girl in Ethiopia from becoming a child bride. For $25, the cost of a few lattes, the Berhane Hewan project helps prevent girls from becoming child brides by providing a sheep to families who commit to keeping their girls in school.
There are lots of projects like this, lots of organizations dedicated to helping girls in developing countries have a chance in life. To find out more go to here.
We CAN make a difference in this world. One girl at a time.