True Confession: I thought I was making things better.



Somewhere in this world, that’s polite lady talk for, well…a word polite ladies don’t say. Ever. But I say it all the time. But not here.

You know how last week I said I was rebuilding my art site? Well, I am. And now it looks like I’m rebuilding Arty Life as well. Because it’s like, y’know, I don’t have enough to do…

At least that’s what the Cyber Gods are thinking. I will not bore you with the technical details–mostly because I build websites by the seat of my pants and I don’t know what the technical details are. 

Well, yes, I do. Sorta. After spending the better part of the day messing around the back end of the site, which sounds every bit as dirty as it is, I discovered (through the magic of google and support forums everywhere) the oh so recent update of wordpress does not sit well with my premium theme. Among other things.

Oh, I lost you already, didn’t I?

Okay, so I’ll give it to you in non-technical speak–the dog ate my homework blog. Left it torn in iddy biddy little pieces with sidebars missing, pages missing and turning up where they don’t belong. In short, left it looking like crap.

Sigh… I can fix it. I CAN. But not tonight. I’m going to bed. Arty Life will be back next week. And she’ll be better than ever.


And so will I. 

