Arty Life is getting a NEW ‘DOO.

And it’s about time. Really, what’s not to luvvvvvvv about a makeover?

I will give you a hint what to expect…. Stuff! More Stuff!!! And even MORE STUFF!!! I will be blogging with my big girl panties on.

Imagine that!


Aww geeze, all that enthusiasm has left me worn out. I can hardly keep my eyes open after hours and hours and HOURS hunkering over Photoshop and tinkering around the back end of WordPress–which sounds A: dirty B: fun. But in reality, the answer is C: exhausting. All I want to do right now is go to bed. Climb between those flannel sheets and dream about chocolate chip cookies. Homemade.

And that’s just what I’m gonna do.

So come back next week and see what all this fuss was about. Until then my best beloveds XOXOXO