Ode to the sun.
Oh my sweetums, life is PERFECT! Yes indeed, perfect because the sun thesunthesun, that big old thing that lights up the days as we spin around in space…the SUN is showing her lovely face around these parts again.
And filling my heart with gladness, yes indeed.
Even though the days are short and continue to grow shorter (Boo! Hiss!) as we head towards the solstice, the storms and wretched dreary days of last week are GONE. Poof, just like that. YAY!!! They’ve moved on and taken their howling winds and fierce rains elsewhere.
Winds that kept me awake through the night, wondering if I would EVER see my children again. Seriously, I almost got up and wrote them LETTERS, farewell, my lovlies… but didn’t…because that might tempt the universe to dump a tree on the house.
Along with the wind came the rain. The heavens opened up and dumped over a foot of water over a few soggy days. The river rose high and ran crazy wild. And tera was no longer firma, just muddy soup.
The dogs planted themselves at the door as the water spill over the gutters and said, We’re not fools, we’ll pee in the house.
But now the rain, the wind are gone. Done. The dogs are doing their business outside.
And all is right with the world because the sun is back, the light is brilliant. And there’s a wee bit o’warmth beyond the late autumn chill.
But it’s the shadows that grab my arty heart.
The way the light comes through the curtains.
And bends Nana’s rocker around the corner.
The way it caresses the oaks in Mama’s grove.
And muffles shadow chimes silent against the wall.
But mostly because it gives me long long legs for dancing in the grass.
I hope wherever you are, the sun is shining today.
Oh, and hey…if you haven’t seen it yet, check out the video I made last week. I seem to have struck a creative chord with that one, it’s had quite a few FaceBook shares already. If you like it, please do me a favor and and tell your friends. You can find it on my website as well as my FaceBook page.
Absolutely loved this post–laughed at the dogs not wanting to go outside. I can sympathize!
Galen Pearl recently posted..Looking Back, Looking Ahead, and Thank You
Fair weather house breaking, right Galen…
Susan recently posted..Me and My Shadow
Susan, As always, I enjoy your writing . . . and what beautiful shadow photos, thank you for sharing them! And you appear to be learning-learning-learning with the technical stuff–I admire you.

Janet Hovde recently posted..Grief and Energy Self Care – Grounding – part 2 of 3
Thank you Janet, they were fun to take. According to the extended forecast there won’t be any shadows for a while.