Or…This is How I Do It
Holy creative FREEEEAK-OUT, Batman! A BLANK canvas!!! Oh noooooooooooooo!
I am blinded by the whiteness. Blinded. I need to scuff it up like a new pair of sneakers. But first…
MUSIC! I need MUSIC!!! Loud and rockin’. Something to take my mind off the ARTIC artistic purity before me. Because it’s too precious. Paralyzingly so.
Must. Be…heh heh heh (rub hands together here) … defiled.
With paint! Caran d’ache! Mindless SCRIBBLES!!! Rockin’ to da Boss, dancing the colors. Making marks.
Eventually I’ve got layers. And a bare wall because I get a little…rambunctious while painting. But I think I wrote about that before.
And more layers. This is where it sits for a few weeks because it’s NOT talking to me. Not telling me where it wants to go.
Until the day it says Tone. Me. Down. So I do, with more layers and collage. And then it starts talking. I see a tree in the upper left.
So I work it. Go with the tree theme.
And then I see a bear, lower left.
This is where it’s at now. Not quite finished but almost there. Definitely influenced by where I live. The river is just a few miles down the road, the forest wraps itself around our house. And bears? Chit, I’ve written about ’em.
By the way, this puppy is 40 x 40 inches, gallery wrapped canvas.
Now all I have to do is come up with a name. Any suggestions?
Hi Susan! Love your paintings……….love your process! “HomeWorld” comes to mind for a name for this one, since it brings to me the feeling that the world is my home. I’ll look forward to hearing what it calls out to you to be named!
‘Home World’ is a good one, Bonnie! So far it’s the leading (and only) contender.
Love your process. I think I need to let loose and try this too! The scribbles, marks, get crazy! Since you are painting “forest things” I’m hearing “Evolution of a Forest”.
Oh, do let loose, Leslie! The hard part is not letting the more controlled side of you show up. You might need to bribe her with cookies or something.
As for title, I’m liking ‘Forest Things’ even though that was your description, not the suggestion.
AWESOME. The artic white of canvas – Brilliant! Yep, that gets me every time too….and I agree. I have to be listening to music, or good story telling (like This American Life).
‘This American Life’ would work, Alisa, most definitely. I often listen to inspiring talks I’ve downloaded from the ‘net. Whatever it takes to get you outside yourself.
The thing about a new canvas, the artic white, is it has no life. No history. Some of my best pieces I’ve painted on top of some not so great earlier pieces. They give it an energy and substance…at least in my mind.
Susan – love seeing your process! And I really like where this one is going — ‘In the Deep’ is what I would name it – cause the trees and animals seem to be deep in the forest.
Judy Shreve recently posted..Still Learning and A Redo
Ohhhh…’In the Deep’, most definitely a contender. Thanks, Judy! xo
Hi Susan – Thanks for showing your process here, always love to see how different artists find their way to a final painting. Also like the towel under the painting on the easel, think I’ll have to borrow that idea

Peg Pritchett recently posted..Solo Show Open House
Ah, the towel, Peg. Born of necessity. I’m heavy handed with the spray bottle
“Oh Me O My”–I’m loving this one! My first thought for a name was “At Peace With Nature” or “Surrounded by Nature”. On second look, it reminded me of the book I read years ago by Bill Bryson entitled “A Walk in the Woods”, a comical portrayal of wildlife encounters, while two “out-of-shape” and almost “over-the-hill” friends set off to hike the Appalacian Trail. So, my pick would be “A WALK IN THE WOODS”. Can’t wait to see the finished piece.
‘A Walk in the Woods’ Great book, Pat. Could be a contender.

Susan recently posted..Evolution of a Painting
That is cool that you have shared your process. I love how a canvas is so flexible that you can just keep going until you love it. Fun!
Amy Putkonen recently posted..Our Journey Through Fear
I always say a painting isn’t finished until it leaves the studio, Amy. As long as it’s around here it’s always subject to change.

Susan recently posted..Evolution of a Painting
Fun post. I like how the canvas was relegated to a corner while it was being naughty, giving you the silent treatment. I’m glad it spoke to you & showed you where to go. I’m a neophyte encaustic user & covet that hood/vent on the window wall!
Ah, you noticed the hood vent…that was one of the ‘must haves’ when building the new studio, Jenny.
I love seeing the evolution of your work! My favorite part, well there are two…the first is how you just “scribbled”. I always have such a hard time getting started on a painting. That first brush stroke seems so powerful. The second piece I really love is how you allowed it to just sit and talk to you over time. There is such a feeling of grace and allowing in that…I just love it. Thank you for sharing!!!
Michele Bergh recently posted..Are You On Track?
“… a feeling of grace and allowing…” oh, I like that description, Michele. All of my paintings go through a sitting period and are subject to change up until the moment they leave the studio. xo
This was absolutely terrific. My sister is an artist. In fact, she painted the painting on the cover of my book. I wish she would do something like this. I’ve always been curious about the steps her paintings go through. Thank you!
Galen Pearl recently posted..Miracles, Anyone?
Maybe she will someday, Galen. I’m a teacher so sharing the process is a natural thing for me. I can’t show every step, that would take a book. And it would put an unnatural stop and start to the momentum. But when I think about it I’ll step back and take a photo. It helps me to see where I’ve come from.
“The Forest in us All” not sure why but that just came to me. As I was looking I felt a hodgepodge of things going on and really love the connection with nature and how things just kept popping out at me. So cool to witness your process. It reminded me of writing because I find it’s best to write what’s in my head and let it sit for a day or two and then come back and tweak it. Lovely.
Julie Geigle recently posted..Creating Balance & Finding Peace
I approach writing almost the same way I approach painting, Julie. Except for the music. Scribble out a first draft to get things down. Then later on go back and rewrite it in my voice.
The only trouble is my own voice usually hits me as I’m drifting off to sleep.
Susan, “in the Blue Woods”? Love to see your painting evolve, thank you for sharing your process!
Janet Hovde recently posted..Very Inspiring Blogger Award, aka 7 new facts about me
I might make this a regular feature, Janet. People like to see how the magic happens.
I love watching your painting unfold! I don’t have a name for it- I suspect there is one lingering somewhere inside of you though!
Can’t wait to hear what it is!
Petrea Hansen Adamidis recently posted..Wake Up and Dream!
I suspect you’re right about the name, Petra. Like the painting, it will reveal itself when the time is right.
Susan, this was amazing how this piece came to life. I am amazed. I wish I had a magical name for your piece because it did seem like magic the way it was suddenly there. Beautiful…I’m always so inspired by the work of an artist.
Karen Stout recently posted..4 Days In…
Thank you, Karen. I enjoy sharing the process.
Susan your painting is absolutely beautiful. Your first 2 pictures I know I could do, after that not sure. lol But I have to tell you I am signing up for Flora Bowley’s e-Course Bloom True that is beginning early next year. Wish me luck. I would love to be able to paint as beautifully as you do.
As a want-to-be-artist maybe one day I truly admire when artists like yourself share the process and evolution of their work. It really helps me see how it’s done. Thank you for being so generous in sharing it with us.
Do one of these titles seem to fit your beautiful painting…
‘The Whispers of Nature’ … OR … ‘The Mystical Whispers of Nature’?
Suzanne McRae recently posted..“Gentle Touch, Powerful Healing – Bowen Therapy”
You’re going to love Flora’s class, Suzanne. I’m still evolving after taking it, using what I learned and giving it my own artistic voice. That’s what it’s all about. You pick up bits and pieces from different teachers and go with what feels right for you.
I like ‘Whispers’ just by itself. I’ll need to come up with something in the next few days so I can submit it to a show later in the week. No pressure, right?
I’m so glad to hear that Flora’s e-Course is still helping you Susan. I love your work. And who knows what mine will be like.
Let us know what title you pick for this beautiful painting. All the best with submitting for the show. It’s exciting!
Suzanne McRae recently posted..“Gentle Touch, Powerful Healing – Bowen Therapy”
Will do, Suzanne!