I’m sorry. So sorry. Please accept my aplooooooogy….
Sunday night/Monday morning. You know what that means….TaTa…It’s time for Show & Tell. Time for construction photos of The New. The Amaaaaaazing. The Soon To Be Finished STUDIO GRANDE II!
Except, umm…not today. (Hit it, Brenda!) The weather was fine. Mr. Spouse made progress. All the outside walls are up now. I can (and did) walk around inside and actually get a feel for the size. For how I want to arrange things. Got a lot to think about, you know. Work space. Storage. A comfy corner to sit and think. Did lots of brainstorming about that with Mr. Spouse and then I left him to his carpentry while I went down to the soon-to-be-decommissioned Studio Grande to paint.
I painted away the afternoon. Painted away the daylight. Painted away the chance to get a photo or three. So no construction pics until tomorrow.
And no art pics either. Because what I painted sucked. Bummer. Forgot to check my ego at the door. Stupid ego started talkin’ when I was working. No no no no no!
Tomorrow, tomorrow I PROMISE pretty pictures. Of the studio-in-progress. Of paintings. Pinky swear.
Meanwhile, because I KNOW you want a visual, here’s one of Precious Man Dog. Enjoy!
It’s so exciting to get a new studio – and all that planning for the perfect place for all your stuff! YAY!
So many times I’ve painted & painted and used my brain instead of my heart — just think of it as purging – you can always paint over that surface . . . .
And that pup is just precious!
Yeah, we were just having a conversation about that on your blog yesterday, weren’t we Judy…the difference between painting from the heart or painting from the head…and then I went and painted with my head. Go figure…
Anyone who wants to read the musings of a kindred spirit artist you can find Judy at http://www.mountainhousestudios.com
Ha! I paint over paintings all the time. Some of my canvases have so many paintings underneath them they’re like an archeological dig. ‘This was her fluorescent era. These were coffee cups. Oh look, a flying pig!”
Ah yes, and Bean is most definitely a precious pup! xoxo
Thanks Susan for the link! We are definitely kindred spirits!
XO, Judy!
oh goodie, this sounds like her sister M. in Norway. Big things in her head to paint too…can´t wait to get going…. so she gets going, and then after some Visuall Realisations her heart says OH STOP to her head. Guess how many layers she too has over some paintings? ahem, it´s interesting to look on the back and see all the scribbled over titles, dates, paintings that bit the dust after shows…I read once that Van Gogh did a lot of this too. We are all normal!! YAY! The heart stuff that works best comes from just somewhere else deep inside….when it comes.
….what does Mr. Bean say to all this, the cutie?
Mr. Bean is happy if I feed him. Paintings? Not so much…
All those layers? When you sell the paintings you can tell the people they’re getting two or three or however many foro the price of one. If they have x-ray vision…
Love you sister mine!