For the next week or so I will be computer-less. Bereft of my Mac. The time has come to send this baby back to the Apple elves for repair. Been putting this off for nearly a month because the thought of being WITHOUT MY COMPUTER for a few days, maybe a week or more, is just too…too…sigh, I dunno. Too much, I guess.

The nice man in the phone assured me he knew how I felt. Apparently I’m not the first Mac Mom he ever encountered. He promised it won’t be long. And I know, from previous experience with previous macs, that he’s right. Apple Care rocks. It really does.

So I’m going to take a few days off from the blog. Between now and the New Year I’ll be playing with a two year old. Building couch houses and sofa forts, making sugar cookies, eating pretend food from the Dora the Explorer kitchen, going on adventure walks. I’ll be soaking up the grandma experience for all it’s worth.

But I’ll be back. Promise. New Year’s Day. If my computer is still in the shop I’ll blog from my iPad. I’m looking forward to it. Got a whole lot of things going on in January. Art. Life. Lots of stuff to share.

So dearies, until Sunday–XOXO

See you then!