Oh nooooooooooo….

Been limping along with some computer problems lately. Even have a fix it ticket from Apple. The shipping box is sitting on the dining room table waiting for me to take some action. But parting with Mac for a week or more is (mentally) akin to parting with a limb. No, no–make that an organ. A vital organ. Like my brain.

It’s worse than when the kids left home. Then again, it was them or me by that point.

I’ve been able to cajole Mac along despite the infirmities but tonight she would not read the SD card. WOULD NOT. No matter how many times I jiggled that sucker. It could be I just need a new SD card. I’ll pick one up tomorrow and give that a try.

But there’s no photos tonight. You will just have to use your imagination. They were lovely. The best I ever took. Really. Award winning food shots if I do say so myself. You’ll have to take my word on this since, well, I can’t show them to show you.

The first was a heaping pan of beauteous chopped greens. Collard. Mustard. Turnip. Raw and glistening. Beautiful emerald green greens.

They were my dinner, or part of it. I really wanted potato chips. Just potato chips, nothing else. I deserved them after working out. And I was eating alone tonight so I could have whatever I wanted. But the greens were there and needed to be eaten.

The second was rather artsy. Greens peaking out through steam as it wafted above the pan. Like summer fields in the mist. Oh my. That was a rather poetic description. Maybe I don’t need photos.

The third was quite colorful. A deep orange yam surrounded by wilted greens on a gold colored plate. A few slivers of pale yellow butter. Flecks of garlic. Quite nice. A fork arranged artfully to the side.

And the fourth photo?  The potato chips I had for dessert.