Got boats on the brain today. Remember this? The ‘dead zone’ work-in-progress.  (Two days ago)

the dead zone

Turned into this? (Yesterday–and yes, I am most definitely getting the miles out of these photos. Shamelessly so.)


And then today…ta ta…went on a creative rampage. Before I could stop myself I grabbed some sharp and pointed instruments and did this:


Oh! Oh! WHAT HAPPENED!!! What were you THINKING Susan?

Red Boat 2

THIS is what happened.  And THIS is what I thought, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh….”

Red Boat 3

Here’s another one. This is a little guy, 6″X6″. For my wax savy friends there’s accretion going on in here. And intaglio. And oil bars.

And now my back is screaming at me for standing on a slab floor while quasi hunkering over a workbench for the better part of the day. I’m going to go stretch out. And then I’m going to have a cuppa tea. And some brownies.