I went garbage picking tonight. Dug through the kitchen trash (eeww eeww double eeww). Earlier in the day I reacted like a normal person when confronted by Sophie’s latest treasure–an outgrown lizard skin tucked between the sofa cushions…I mean, really… I picked it up with a paper towel because I was not going to touch it with my precious hands and then I tossed it without a second thought.

Before we go any farther, I need to inform you of the correct prononciation of ‘lizard’. It’s ‘yee-zard’. Okay? From one of my kids, a long time ago. It’s a mom thing.

Now, back to the story.

Sometime after dinner I had an artistic AHA! moment. Or, in Homer Simpson speak, “D’oh!” Lizard skin! Mixed media! WAX!!!  Mental whack upside the head. Hense the trash picking. By this time it was all the way on the bottom. With lots of disgusting things on top. But I got ’em…with my bare precious hands.

Now I’ve got to figure out the best way to wax him. I’ll experiment and let you know. If you care.

Meanwhile, here’s what I did in the studio today. I went down there fully intending to clean but…oh well, another day. These were begun earlier, each one has multiple, multiple layers. Are they done yet? No, there’s always some tweaking. The photos aren’t the best but you get the general idea.

treasure map

This one is about 12 X 16 I’m thinking it wants one more coat of natural beeswax to tone down the blue. But maybe not. Have to live with it first. It’s on a plaster base over a cradled board. Lots of texture in the base.


This one is 6X6. Has multiple layers of  crumpled paper, tissue paper, gold leaf, wax. Oh, and oil paint.